Continuing Medical Education

From 2021, the SSN's CME training (Continuing Medical Education) will be redesigned. By means of case-based workshops, the important clinical problems in the field of renal replacement therapy, general nephrology, and transplantation will be covered in a three-year curriculum. Various practical workshops are also integrated: nephropathology, AV fistula examination, or urine sediment analysis.
YSN members pay a reduced registration fee.

Another aim of YSN is to facilitate the access to research activities for young Swiss nephrology trainees. Almost 90% of you believe that young nephrologists should have easier access to research (YSN Survey 2021).

The first YSN Research Day organized by YSN with cooperation with industrial partners was held 24 March 2023. Discover the detailed Research day programme and look forward to the next round.

The 2024 CME Days will be held in Aarau 30-31 August 2024.

Have a look at the programme below and register till 10 August 2024 HERE.



Basel (1-2  September 2023) on kidney transplantation. Programme (pdf).

Aarau (2-3 September 2022) on sonography, glomerular disease, complement and genetics. Programme (pdf).

Aarau (3-4 September 2021) on urinary sediment, hypertension, dialysis. Programme (pdf).